Suggestion for Daily Use

Follow the ‘Daily Prayer’ at the side+++Suivez le ‘Prière Quotidienne’. Read the bible passages and then the meditation. Pray, tell God how you felt about the reading and share the concerns of your life with him. Maybe you will continue the habit after Lent. Lisez les passages bible et après la méditation. Priez, dites à Dieu que vous avez ressenti à propos de la lecture et de partager les préoccupations de votre vie avec lui. Peut-être que vous allez continuer l'habitude après le Carême. Daily Prayer Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Luke 4.1-2 Now is the healing time decreed For sins of heart, of word or deed, When we in humble fear record The wrong that we have done the Lord. (Latin, before 12th century) Read: Read the Bible passage. Read the meditation Pray: Talk to God about what you have just read. Tell him your concerns - for yourself, your family, our church family, our world. Praise him. Pray the collect for the week – see next pages. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Prière Quotidienne Jésus, rempli de l'Esprit Saint, revint du Jourdain et le Saint-Esprit le conduisit dans le désert où il fut tenté par le diable durant quarante jours. Luc 4.1-2 Maintenant le temps de la guérison est décrété Pour les péchés du cœur, de la parole et des actes, Lorsque nous nous souvenons avec humilité Le mal que nous avons fait au Seigneur. Lire : Lisez le passage de la Bible. Lisez la méditation. Prier : Parlez avec le Seigneur de ce que vous avez lu. Parlez-lui de vos préoccupations pour vous-même, votre famille, notre famille de l’église, notre monde. Louez-le. Priez la collecte pour la semaine. Voyez les pages suivantes Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur ! Que tout qui est en moi bénisse son saint nom. Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur, et n’oublie aucun de ses bienfaits !

16 December 2011

Saturday 17th December

God’s Light Shines Brightly ~La Lumiere de Dieu brille

Zephaniah 3:4- 20, Matthew 18:21- 35, Jude, Psalms 42, 43, 71

Sophonie 3:4-20, Mattieu 18:21-35, Jude, Psaumes, 42, 43, 71

All the tinsel in the world of commerce cannot cover the splendour of God’s light which is Christ.

Thank God for this “one life” which is pointing to the Second Advent. By getting older this fact is becoming more relevant and meaningful.


He was born in a stable

in an obscure village.

From there, he traveled

less than 200 miles.

He never won an election.

He never went to college.

He never owned a home.

He never had a lot of money.

He became a nomadic preacher.

Popular opinion turned against Him.

He was betrayed by a close friend,

and His other friends ran away.

He was unjustly condemned to death,

crucified on a cross among common

thieves, on a hill overlooking the town

dump. And when dead, laid in a borrowed grave.

Nineteen centuries have come and gone.

Empires have risen and fallen.

Mighty armies have marched,

and powerful rulers have reigned.

Yet no one has affected men as much as He.

He is the central figure of the human race.

He is the Messiah, the Son of God,

JESUS CHRIST. Author unknown

Praise and Glory to our God

Rie Arthern

Dans sa vie, Jésus n'avait rien de spécial, mais personne n'a affecté la race humaine autant que lui. Réjouissons- nous dans cette vie, qui nous amène au deuxième avent. On l’apprécie plus avec l’âge.

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