Suggestion for Daily Use

Follow the ‘Daily Prayer’ at the side+++Suivez le ‘Prière Quotidienne’. Read the bible passages and then the meditation. Pray, tell God how you felt about the reading and share the concerns of your life with him. Maybe you will continue the habit after Lent. Lisez les passages bible et après la méditation. Priez, dites à Dieu que vous avez ressenti à propos de la lecture et de partager les préoccupations de votre vie avec lui. Peut-être que vous allez continuer l'habitude après le Carême. Daily Prayer Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Luke 4.1-2 Now is the healing time decreed For sins of heart, of word or deed, When we in humble fear record The wrong that we have done the Lord. (Latin, before 12th century) Read: Read the Bible passage. Read the meditation Pray: Talk to God about what you have just read. Tell him your concerns - for yourself, your family, our church family, our world. Praise him. Pray the collect for the week – see next pages. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Prière Quotidienne Jésus, rempli de l'Esprit Saint, revint du Jourdain et le Saint-Esprit le conduisit dans le désert où il fut tenté par le diable durant quarante jours. Luc 4.1-2 Maintenant le temps de la guérison est décrété Pour les péchés du cœur, de la parole et des actes, Lorsque nous nous souvenons avec humilité Le mal que nous avons fait au Seigneur. Lire : Lisez le passage de la Bible. Lisez la méditation. Prier : Parlez avec le Seigneur de ce que vous avez lu. Parlez-lui de vos préoccupations pour vous-même, votre famille, notre famille de l’église, notre monde. Louez-le. Priez la collecte pour la semaine. Voyez les pages suivantes Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur ! Que tout qui est en moi bénisse son saint nom. Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur, et n’oublie aucun de ses bienfaits !

01 December 2013

Introduction to Advent

Because of Jesus…
We all know that Advent is traditionally a time of preparation for the nativity event, the coming into the world of the Word-made-Flesh, born to Mary in the stable at Bethlehem. It is notionally a time for fasting and for reflection and for prayer; a time of being still before God.
But none of these things fit easily into our everyday lives. In the contemporary western world, in a post-Christendom culture, December is for most people a time of great busyness. Our time is given over to shopping, present buying, parties, writing interminable Christmas cards, and searching for new ways of cooking the turkey. Many of these activities serve to diminish our bank balance and to increase our stress levels. Christmas has become a great festival of conspicuous consumption. Eugene Peterson has taught us that busyness is not a Christian virtue, but even clergy contemplating the Christmas season are not immune from this temptation !
Advent is about waiting on God. And we find waiting difficult. Talk to anyone who is applying for a job. Or a woman who is expecting a baby. We may think we know what is going to happen. But we do not know what the timing will be. And we don't like not being in control of events.
During the Advent season we wait on God for the fulfilment of his promises. We may want God to act in our personal and family lives: guarding and guiding our children and grand-children; restoring damaged relationships. Equally, we may well be impatient for God to transform the fabric and structures of the world in which we live; a word often obsessed with material wealth and sadly unconcerned with social justice. How can we best pray for these things ?
Be still and know that I am God”, writes the Psalmist. This booklet with its pattern of daily readings and reflections for the coming weeks is designed to help people to do that, even in the midst of busy lives.

La tradition nous dit que le temps de l'Avent est une période d'attente.  Et vous?  Vous attendez?  Vous êtes calme et attentif devant Dieu?  Je parie que ce n'est pas le cas: nous sommes tous très très occupés à cette époque de l'année.  Et nous n'aimons pas attendre, ne rien avoir à faire que d'attendre.  Mais parfois, on est bien obligé: on n'a qu'à parler avec une femme enceinte, par exemple.
Pendant l'Avent on attend la réalisation des promesses de Dieu, dans le domaine mondial autant que familial.  Comment peut-on prier pour cela?

Ce petit livret peut nous aider, même en pleine occupation.

Chris Martin

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