Suggestion for Daily Use

Follow the ‘Daily Prayer’ at the side+++Suivez le ‘Prière Quotidienne’. Read the bible passages and then the meditation. Pray, tell God how you felt about the reading and share the concerns of your life with him. Maybe you will continue the habit after Lent. Lisez les passages bible et après la méditation. Priez, dites à Dieu que vous avez ressenti à propos de la lecture et de partager les préoccupations de votre vie avec lui. Peut-être que vous allez continuer l'habitude après le Carême. Daily Prayer Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Luke 4.1-2 Now is the healing time decreed For sins of heart, of word or deed, When we in humble fear record The wrong that we have done the Lord. (Latin, before 12th century) Read: Read the Bible passage. Read the meditation Pray: Talk to God about what you have just read. Tell him your concerns - for yourself, your family, our church family, our world. Praise him. Pray the collect for the week – see next pages. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Prière Quotidienne Jésus, rempli de l'Esprit Saint, revint du Jourdain et le Saint-Esprit le conduisit dans le désert où il fut tenté par le diable durant quarante jours. Luc 4.1-2 Maintenant le temps de la guérison est décrété Pour les péchés du cœur, de la parole et des actes, Lorsque nous nous souvenons avec humilité Le mal que nous avons fait au Seigneur. Lire : Lisez le passage de la Bible. Lisez la méditation. Prier : Parlez avec le Seigneur de ce que vous avez lu. Parlez-lui de vos préoccupations pour vous-même, votre famille, notre famille de l’église, notre monde. Louez-le. Priez la collecte pour la semaine. Voyez les pages suivantes Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur ! Que tout qui est en moi bénisse son saint nom. Mon âme, bénis le Seigneur, et n’oublie aucun de ses bienfaits !

16 March 2017

Jesus Became Human

The first six verses of this chapter show the superiority and dignity of Christ above Moses. In order to understand the third chapter of Hebrews, I would advise you to read the first two chapters. Chapter1 presents Jesus as God who came in flesh, to deliver a renewed covenant. In Chapter 2, one writer says, “the covenant establishes the believer as joint-heirs with Christ, brothers called to glory”. In Chapter 3, the first word is “therefore”, which indicates drawing a conclusion based on previous things. The nature of Messiah and his covenant is further explored, emphasizing on the need to turn completely to Christ and centre our Religious lives on Christ without struggling between the Old and New Covenants (of Moses and Jesus).  
 Since Jesus suffered on the cross and died for our salvation, he made us worthy to be referred to as “holy brothers who share in the heavenly calling”. As Christians and believers, we are implored to “fix” our thoughts on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess (v 1).
Based on this “fixation on Jesus”, we need to remember the following points as we meditate on the first 6 verses of this Chapter:
Jesus is seen as our Apostle and High Priest. He is above Moses, as the builder is above the house. Moses is a servant while Christ is the Son, our faithful high priest who eternally resides over the house of God as a son, thus showing us his superiority to Moses and the old covenant of the law.

The word apostle means “the sent one”, Jesus was sent by God to us with a message and followers are to pay close attention to him as a person and what he says, because he is part of the message of God. His death has meaning for us because of who he is, God’s son. He speaks to humanity on God’s behalf as an Apostle. As High Priest, he is the “Intercessor”, he speaks to God on behalf of humanity, and he is our mediator who intervenes between us and God so that we can have eternal life. This makes Jesus the basis of our salvation and the one who applies it in our lives. We, therefore have to draw near to him, concentrate on him in order to know him better and make sure that nothing distracts us from focusing on him.

In the previous chapter, it is explained, as one writer, Morrison puts it, “that Jesus became a human being so he could save human beings. Because he was human, he is qualified to be our high priest and intercessor. He suffered, so he knows the struggles we go through, and he can sympathize with our weakness, he can help us .He not only atoned for our sins, he is able to help us in our temptations”.


Thoko Nkonyane-Nilens

Temptation of Christ (mosaic in basilica di San Marco)
12th Century 
By anonimus [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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